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What’s Your Definition of Success? – Most people don’t even care. Besides a career choice, they just live life with average expectations and mostly with – unattainable dreams. Somewhere deep down within themselves, they do not believe it is possible. Their actions, then, brings it full circle. The reason why most people don’t do the things they are supposed to do is because they don’t think they can achieve it and consequently, they don’t even try.
Most people do an excellent job lying to their own selves. If you’re reading this right now, even you know, you haven’t tried your best, given your all or have taken most challenges which are available out there to break through the middle class barrier.
Success is not all about money, finance and wealth. It is about being honest with yourself by fulfilling your true potential in life. Dwell on that for a moment. In fact, dwell on that for the rest of your life. 🙂
Imagine you have a job as a fast food manager. You get paid well. You have a decent health insurance for your peace of mind and all your bills and familial responsibilities are taken care of. Good so far. BUT, were you born to be a fast food manager? Can you claim your professional title as something you aspired to be? When was the last time a child said it out loud – “I want to be a McDonald’s Manager when I grow up.” – Do you see something inherently wrong or misplaced here. Millions of people are in the same boat. They are in the boat for fear of sinking.
There is a huge difference between a job which provides your survival as compared to a passion which makes you not only survive your worldly obligations but helps you grow in every way possible. That kind of freedom can only be achieved if you find the time to dig deep within yourself and ask yourself difficult questions. Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing with my life?
If everyone on this planet wanted to be successful in life, let alone be super-successful, would they not have pursued it? The fact is, most people (even if they verbally express it) just don’t care about success; at least not as much as the ones who are driven to get what they want so they can live the best life possible.
There is good reason why most people do not give their best shot to live the best life possible. The masses are content with their personal achievements and accomplishments. On the surface, they may all say, they’d like more and better – more money, better health, more happiness. But, when they learn that there is a price to be paid for all the good stuff they want, they are clearly not motivated enough to put in the work to be able to experience the good stuff.
Don’t you think (with some crazy miscalculation of nature) poor people would gladly choose to buy expensive stuff if all the items fell within their budget? They sure would. But, when you ask the poor person to follow a workable life plan so they can overcome their scarcity, very few will opt for it.
Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and one of the richest man on the planet once used to be a school teacher. He does not have much sympathy for poor people. His thinking is this – There are enough resources, ideas, systems and data available today than ever before for average people to get past their conditional barrier of success. It is just that people refuse to do what needs to be done to get the results they wish for.
Jack Ma - On Poor People!
You, me and everyone alive, will pay the price for the life we chose to live. Some people take their chances and get past their barriers, yet most people live regretfully, simply because they did not choose to summon the courage to try something they were uncomfortable with.
Another revelation of success (in most cases) is this – There is not one single opportunity, which will take you to the promised land of financial freedom. One has to build a portfolio of opportunities and give them all equal attention, until you find out, which ones need more attention based on the results they provide. Makes sense right?
If you’re reading this right now, give your business – your best shot towards success. Let the whole world know. This is the prerequisite of initial waves of success you will experience in life. If no one knows, then, NO ONE KNOWS. Share consistently. Let it out, daily. People will listen. Sure enough, in due time, enough of them will listen to make you rich and prosperous. Until then, you have to be true & honest with yourself. Keep working on becoming successful – daily and without respite.
Important Note : Did you now, this article when shared consistently over time (with your Referral ID appended to the link) can make you hundreds of dollars within your Email Paycheck account? Remember, for money to be made, there has to be activity/actions taken within an organized system.
There are 2 things you’ll need to do to qualify for deposits to be made in your account.
1] Click Here & Register for a Free Account – This is for U.S.A residents only. For non-u.s. residents, skip to step #2.
2] Use the social media links on this page to share this page. Your referral link is included if you landed on this page via the email link.
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What’s Your Definition of Success? – Most people don’t even care. Besides a career choice, they just live life with average expectations and mostly with – unattainable dreams. Somewhere deep down within themselves, they do not believe it is possible. Their actions, then, brings it full circle. The reason why most people don’t do the things they are supposed to do is because they don’t think they can achieve it and consequently, they don’t even try.
Most people do an excellent job lying to their own selves. If you’re reading this right now, even you know, you haven’t tried your best, given your all or have taken most challenges which are available out there to break through the middle class barrier.
Success is not all about money, finance and wealth. It is about being honest with yourself by fulfilling your true potential in life. Dwell on that for a moment. In fact, dwell on that for the rest of your life. 🙂
Imagine you have a job as a fast food manager. You get paid well. You have a decent health insurance for your peace of mind and all your bills and familial responsibilities are taken care of. Good so far. BUT, were you born to be a fast food manager? Can you claim your professional title as something you aspired to be? When was the last time a child said it out loud – “I want to be a McDonald’s Manager when I grow up.” – Do you see something inherently wrong or misplaced here. Millions of people are in the same boat. They are in the boat for fear of sinking.
There is a huge difference between a job which provides your survival as compared to a passion which makes you not only survive your worldly obligations but helps you grow in every way possible. That kind of freedom can only be achieved if you find the time to dig deep within yourself and ask yourself difficult questions. Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing with my life?
If everyone on this planet wanted to be successful in life, let alone be super-successful, would they not have pursued it? The fact is, most people (even if they verbally express it) just don’t care about success; at least not as much as the ones who are driven to get what they want so they can live the best life possible.
There is good reason why most people do not give their best shot to live the best life possible. The masses are content with their personal achievements and accomplishments. On the surface, they may all say, they’d like more and better – more money, better health, more happiness. But, when they learn that there is a price to be paid for all the good stuff they want, they are clearly not motivated enough to put in the work to be able to experience the good stuff.
Don’t you think (with some crazy miscalculation of nature) poor people would gladly choose to buy expensive stuff if all the items fell within their budget? They sure would. But, when you ask the poor person to follow a workable life plan so they can overcome their scarcity, very few will opt for it.
Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and one of the richest man on the planet once used to be a school teacher. He does not have much sympathy for poor people. His thinking is this – There are enough resources, ideas, systems and data available today than ever before for average people to get past their conditional barrier of success. It is just that people refuse to do what needs to be done to get the results they wish for.
Jack Ma - On Poor People!
You, me and everyone alive, will pay the price for the life we chose to live. Some people take their chances and get past their barriers, yet most people live regretfully, simply because they did not choose to summon the courage to try something they were uncomfortable with.
Another revelation of success (in most cases) is this – There is not one single opportunity, which will take you to the promised land of financial freedom. One has to build a portfolio of opportunities and give them all equal attention, until you find out, which ones need more attention based on the results they provide. Makes sense right?
If you’re reading this right now, give your business – your best shot towards success. Let the whole world know. This is the prerequisite of initial waves of success you will experience in life. If no one knows, then, NO ONE KNOWS. Share consistently. Let it out, daily. People will listen. Sure enough, in due time, enough of them will listen to make you rich and prosperous. Until then, you have to be true & honest with yourself. Keep working on becoming successful – daily and without respite.
Important Note : Did you now, this article when shared consistently over time (with your Referral ID appended to the link) can make you hundreds of dollars within your Email Paycheck account? Remember, for money to be made, there has to be activity/actions taken within an organized system.
There are 2 things you’ll need to do to qualify for deposits to be made in your account.
1] Click Here & Register for a Free Account – This is for U.S.A residents only. For non-u.s. residents, skip to step #2.
2] Use the social media links on this page to share this page. Your referral link is included if you landed on this page via the email link.
3] If you do not have a User ID, get one via the registration link below.